Wednesday, June 26, 2019


    Vaccination is the administration of a vaccine to help the immune systems develop protection from a disease.

    The reason why we vaccinate is because vaccines save lives. It can prevent diseases that can cause long term illness, hospitalisation and even death. Moreover, vaccinating can reduce the chance of spreading disease. Furthermore, we will never have time to get sick and it’s costly because vaccines protect us against disease like human popillomavirus (HPV) and hepabitis B.

    If there is no vaccination, it can leave us ruinerable to illnesses such as influenza (FLU) and pneumococcal disease. We may also be able to get a variety of infectious diseases that may possibly kill us. It can also will give a lot of opportunities for the disease to spread widely.

    In my opinion, vaccination is very important for human to ensure good personal health for ourselves and someone we loved.

Sunday, April 28, 2019


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Exercise is to sustain or improves our health and fitness and can also help with stress. Furthermore we can try new sports such as playing basketball or skateboarding with our friends and be good for our social life.

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2.Healthy Eating

Healthy eating is to boost our energy and our mood. It is also good for our health. We must eat three balanced meals everyday plus two healthy snacks. We should also drink eight glasses of water everyday. Our health can be ensured by eating healthily.

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3.Looking After Your Mental Health.

We must find an adult that we can talk to such as a counsellor or parents if we have problems at school or home. We should always try to discuss our worries calmly with people who can help.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

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My dream vacation is to go to  Paris!!! Why? It is because there are so much things that I can  do there.If one day I could go to Paris, I would like to go to DISNEYLAND, PARIS!!! I love Disney so so much! As we know that Disney's stories are very very interesting. Other than that, I would like to go to the place where the Eiffel Tower has been built. The scenery is very beautiful there at night. I hope that i could go there one day with my beloved family.